Why You Should Consider CBD Oil for Your Pet

Greenie Vegan Blog (1)CBD for pets is a booming industry. We want to keep our pets healthy and prevent illnesses as much as possible. Veterinary treatment for our four-legged friends, with or without insurance, can be expensive and pet owners are sometimes left struggling to find alternative options.

Humans aren’t the only ones who can benefit from a full spectrum CBD product. Our furry friends have an Endocannabinoid System, just like us. This system is responsible for maintaining homeostasis within the body, which includes regulating the immune response, communication between cells, appetite and metabolism.

If you treat your pet with cannabis, it’s important to use products derived from hemp because it is high in CBD and very low in THC (less than .3%). High amounts of THC can be toxic to animals, where as appropriate doses of CBD are safe and effective.


Although CBD is not a cure-all medication, it can ease your pet’s discomfort, anxiety and relieve debilitating pain. Pet owners report a number of beneficial effects of using CBD to treat their dogs. Studies also show that it can be beneficial in treating acute ailments like sprains and strains, torn ligaments, bone breaks and even during post-operative care to reduce swelling, pain and stiffness. CBD can be used to soothe anxious dogs from separation anxiety, loud thunderstorms, car travel, veterinary visits and social anxiety.

If you decide to give your pet cannabis medicine, it is important to be informed. The medicine you give your animal should have the same standards for anything you would put in your own body. Make sure the product is safe and tested for cannabinoid content, quality and is free from any pesticides and solvents.


Unfortunately, there is little veterinary research for the effects of CBD on animals, so many vets won’t consider it a viable option just yet. Until more research is conducted, we must rely on the anecdotal evidence and testimonials of pet owners. Studies show that animals share 70% biological homology with humans. So there are grounds to believe that cannabis could be useful for treating canines.


Just as for humans, dosage largely depends on the size and weight of your animal as well as what you are looking to treat. It’s always best to start with a small dose, monitor the effects on your pet and use sound judgement when increasing dosage.

To Order Your Oil call Gina at 309-212-8865




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